In today’s world, dominated by a culture of instant gratification, the idea of patience seems distant and alien to many. Few individuals are willing to endure temporary hardships, prepare, and wait patiently to achieve their goals. The rise of social media exacerbates this mindset, offering immediate validation through instant “likes” on posts, leading to a decline in the practice of gratitude. Unfortunately, even Muslims fall prey to this dangerous trend, neglecting the essential means of salvation: sabr and shukr (patience and gratitude), two interconnected facets.
This work successfully delves into these significant concepts in a profound manner. While sabr is commonly translated as “patience,” Wings of Faith: Patience and Gratitude explores its broader and deeper meanings. Shukr, on the other hand, is a concept that must be embraced alongside sabr to maintain balance. The book emphasizes the relationship between these two virtues, dispelling the misconception that patience is only associated with hardships and gratitude solely with blessings. In reality, both patience and gratitude are indispensable in the face of adversity and grace.