This series, curated by Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, emerged due to the lack of Islamic-based materials available for teaching advanced Arabic. Recognizing the predominantly secular nature of the existing Arabic books for advanced learners, it was deemed essential to introduce texts that not only catered to Arabic proficiency but also imparted fundamental Islamic knowledge. These books have found usage in numerous Darul-Ulums in India and Pakistan, as well as in various universities across Arab countries.
“Qiraat ar Rashida,” the Arabic original, covers a diverse array of Islamic topics including Adab (manners), discussions on notable personalities, and other relevant subjects. Sheikh Syed Abul Hasan ‘Ali Nadwi, a prolific author, thinker, and erudite scholar, authored over fifty books in multiple languages. He held esteemed roles in various Islamic organizations such as the Muslim World League (Rabita), the Organisation of Islamic Conference (OIC), the World Supreme Council of Mosques, and the Fiqh Council of Rabita. His affiliations also extended to significant advisory positions at the Islamic University of Madinah al-Munawwarah, the Academy of Arts and Letters in Damascus, Syria, and the League of Islamic Literature in India.
Widely recognized as the founder member and inaugural rector of Nadwatul Ulama (India), Sheikh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi served as the president of the Academy of Islamic Research and Publications, leaving a lasting impact on Islamic scholarship and education.