This book, now in your hands, dear reader, is an immensely significant work by al-Imam Ash-Shawkani (May Allah shower His Blessings on him). In this concise text, Ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah fee al-Masaail al-Fiqhiyyah, the Imam presents the most prominent views on matters of Fiqh, supported by authentic proofs and text-based reasoning. Shaykh Siddiq Hasan Khan (May Allah shower His Blessings on Him) aptly described it as excluding mere speculative opinions and disregarding popular but unfounded views, as only the truth deserves adherence.
Shaykh Siddiq Hasan Khan further praised ad-Durar al-Bahiyyah, comparing its succinctness to the comprehensive works among the Books of Fiqh, akin to the pure metal mold in contrast to the impurities, a fact well-known to those deeply rooted in knowledge. This book stands as a valuable resource, offering a precise and reliable understanding of Fiqh matters, firmly rooted in authentic sources and sound reasoning.