I begin with praising Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Forgiving, the Most Generous, and the Controller of the hearts and gazes. He knows all things that are hidden and visible. I continuously praise Him, day and night. I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah alone, who has no partners. This testimony will save whoever utters it from the torment of the Hellfire. I also bear witness that Muhammad is the chosen Prophet and Messenger of Allah. May Allah’s blessings be upon him, his family, his wives, and his Companions.
Moving forward, I have summarized this book from the Sahih of Imam Abu-Husain Muslim bin Al-Hajjaj Al-Qushairi An-Naisaburi. This summarization makes memorization of the book easier for those who wish to do so. It also makes it simpler for the reader who intends to investigate or look into the Sahih. I have organized it in a way that will help the reader find specific information faster. Despite its small size, it contains a significant portion of the intended information from the original Sahih.